Purpose & Practice
You are in business for a purpose.
It might be to create jobs and opportunities for people to grow. It might be to bring a product you believe in, to customers who love it. It might be to spark economic vitality in your community and see innovative ideas come to light.
Whatever your purpose, each decision you make as a leader has the potential to bring you closer to your vision and the impact you have in the world.
We share your belief that business can be a positive actor, unleash human potential, and advance social change. We also know it takes fortitude. You need to be grounded in reality while being open and optimistic about the future. Energize your team around what’s possible and empathize with the real challenges they face today.
Companies choose us at times like:
A founder transition or change in ownership
A senior leader transition or newly forming leadership team
A natural growth stage shift, such as start-up to expansion, or high growth to maturity
A significant market or technology disruption that requires new thinking
A merger, acquisition, new strategic partner or investor group